Produse pentru piata b2b (3)

Strategia de Marketing pentru Industrie - Ajutăm companiile industriale să aibă succes online

Strategia de Marketing pentru Industrie - Ajutăm companiile industriale să aibă succes online

Dutch Synergy werkt doelgericht. Heldere doelen, een strak plan, effectieve strategie en krachtige instrumenten die continu converterende leads opleveren.
Marketing pe rețelele sociale - Marketing pentru rețelele tale sociale

Marketing pe rețelele sociale - Marketing pentru rețelele tale sociale

Social media marketing omvat alle marketinginspanningen die individuen of bedrijven op verschillende social media platforms uitvoeren. Het is een veelomvattende term die verschillende facetten van marketing bestrijkt, van betaalde advertenties op platforms zoals Facebook tot interactie met volgers op Instagram. Het omvat ook diverse inhoudstypen, variërend van korte TikTok-video’s tot uitgebreide berichten op LinkedIn. Of je nu producten wilt verkopen, fondsen wilt werven voor een goed doel of je persoonlijke merk wilt versterken, social media marketing is onmisbaar. Dit komt doordat bijna iedereen dagelijks gebruikmaakt van social media en deze platforms talloze marketingkansen bieden.
Branding nou - Creșteți angajamentul cu un nou branding

Branding nou - Creșteți angajamentul cu un nou branding

Client Symphony Solutions, Agile and Cloud Transformation company, announced a new branding celebrating its 10 years mark. Company wanted to explore ways to evolve their branding. Ideas and visual expressions had been added over the years, and greater cohesion was now needed. The branding results from one year of preparation – company-wide focus groups to assess, through visual cues and word selection, employees’ own feelings about the company. This was followed by internal and external research to learn lifestyle and leverageable benefits Result Though implementation is still recent, early results show: • higher response by potential clients and candidates on LinkedIn; • brand awareness at 62% in Lviv, Ukraine; • the popular branding video has been viewed by over 53,000 people in the first month. To read the full Case Study, please visit Symphony Solutions website.